Kevin McCarthy gives green light to conservatives’ push to overturn Biden’s win

The top House Republican has quietly blessed an effort by conservative lawmakers to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory when a joint session of Congress meets later this week, even as other top congressional Republicans are raising alarms that the push could cause lasting damage to a pillar of democracy.

The conservatives said on Sunday that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has been supportive of their plans, a stark contrast from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as a member of McCarthy’s own leadership team — Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney and the former House speaker, Paul Ryan — and who have privately raised major concerns about an effort that is doomed to fail but is bound to sow distrust in the sanctity of US elections.

The internecine fight, which will play out on Wednesday when a joint session of Congress meets to affirm Biden’s Electoral College win, has turned into a loyalty test of sorts to President Donald Trump who has launched an unprecedented campaign to subvert the will of voters by making unsubstantiated claims of a rigged election that have been rejected by courts across the country.

Kevin McCarthy gives green light to conservatives’ push to overturn Biden’s win (