Iraq issues arrest warrant to Trump for Soleimani drone attack

(CBS News) Baghdad — Iraq issued a warrant for the arrest of U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday as part of a Baghdad court’s investigation into the killing of a top Iraqi paramilitary commander. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of Iraq’s largely pro-Iran Hashed al-Shaabi paramilitary network, died in the same U.S. drone strike that killed storied Iranian general Qasem Soleimani at Baghdad airport on January 3 last year.

The strike on their motorcade was ordered by Mr. Trump, who later crowed that it had taken out “two (men) for the price of one.”

“An arrest warrant against the outgoing President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has been issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 406 of the Iraqi Penal Code,” Iraq’s Supreme Judicial Council confirmed in a statement on Thursday, adding that the investigations would continue “to identify others who participated in committing this crime, whether they are Iraqis or foreigners.”


About Abra K'Dabra 16 Articles
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