Rep. Jayapal Tests Positive For Covid-19, Blames Republicans Who Refused To Wear Masks During Capitol Riots

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), tested positive for Covid-19 late on Monday night.

In a statement issued early on Tuesday, Rep. Jayapal noted that her positive test comes days after she was forced to shelter in a secure room during the mob violence with numerous Republican lawmakers who “recklessly refused to wear masks.”

During the riots, Democrat Congresswoman is offering masks to a group of Republicans who refuse them.

Rep. Jayapal said that while sheltering for multiple hours, several Republican lawmakers not only “cruelly refused” to wear a mask but also “mocked colleagues and staff who offered them one.”

The congresswoman added that she began quarantining immediately after the attack on the Capitol, claiming that she foresaw the diagnosis.
Watson had already received the first dose of the vaccine when this occurred; she had not yet received the second shot.
Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman

Source: Forbes and Newsweek