Biden Open to a Piece By Piece Approach to Immigration

When President Biden unveiled his immigration plan, it was understood by Democrats and Congress to be a priority.

While the White House priority is progress, they are now considering breaking immigration into pieces and allowing Congress to take the lead on immigration reform with guidance from the White House.

Biden’s immigration proposal was introduced hours after he took office and focused on the following:

  • a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants
  • expanded refugee resettlement
  • more technology deployed to the border

On Friday Biden is moving ahead with executive orders in the works on immigration, including orders that restore asylum protections and another that creates a task force to reunite families that were separated under the Trump administration.

Biden is determined to address immigration before the 2022 midterms.

A White House official disputes that Biden is deferring to Congress and says the president is working with lawmakers to pass the larger bill. That proposal includes elements the president feels weren’t effectively addressed previously as the Trump administration’s policy was centered around building a border wall, the official said. “We expect elected officials from both sides of the aisle to come to the table so we can finally get this done,” the official said.

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