Trump’s legacy of mistrust sends Congress into total war

Former President Donald Trump may be gone from the White House but his legacy of catastrophic mistrust is poisoning Washington, dimming hopes of a unified effort to crush the pandemic before mutant viral strains take root.

Nine days after newly sworn-in President Joe Biden told America that “every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war,” recriminations between the parties and the Republican meltdown are consuming Congress.

It’s now clear that the January 6 mob attack on Capitol Hill, while failing in its bid to reverse Trump’s election loss, has utterly fractured the basic level of trust needed to make a political system function — at a critical national moment.

At times on Thursday, it appeared that the whole of Congress was fixated on its own civil wars, cut off from behind its high iron fence from the reality of America’s darkest modern winter.

Incredibly, given the circumstances, Biden still believes that he can get Republicans and Democrats on board with his pandemic rescue bill, though has signaled he may be ready to negotiate the $1.9 trillion price tag.

“He continues to believe that this can be — should be and will be a bipartisan bill … and he’s having conversations with and listening to leaders and members of both parties to assure that we get to exactly that place,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and an informal adviser to Biden’s coronavirus team, warned of “the darkest of days ahead.”

“What we can expect to see in the course of the next, I think, six to 14 weeks, is something that we haven’t even come close to experiencing yet,” Osterholm said on CNN’s “New Day.”

That’s not a message that is breaking through on Capitol Hill.

Source: MSN

Article submitted by, Darkillusion.