Ginni Thomas Apologizes to Group of Clerks After Her Post-Election Trump Advocacy Causes Rift

Conservative political activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Virginia Thomas, apologized to her husband’s former law clerks after her endorsement of Trump and a January 6 rally caused a rift between colleagues.

The apology was in a private e-mail sent to a group called Thomas Clerk World, and included clerks from three decades of her husband’s staff.

“My passions and beliefs are likely shared with the bulk of you, but certainly not all. And sometimes the smallest matters can divide loved ones for too long. Let’s pledge to not let politics divide THIS family, and learn to speak more gently and knowingly across the divide.”

Some of the members of the group shared anonymously a sampling of pro-Trump posts made in the lead-up to the election and post-election.

The Thomas Clerk World email group, usually filled with congratulatory notes about job changes and promotions and baby announcements, was instead subjected to various group members pro-Trump drivel about a stolen election.

  • “Many of my friends and I had been praying our knees off that January 6 would see light and truth being shed on what we believe in our hearts was likely a stolen election,” said one, and that eventually “President Trump would be determined to be the legitimate winner.”
  • One member spoke at the rally. “Rest assured that those of us involved in this are working diligently to ascertain the truth.”

Some of Thomas’s former clerks were significant in the Trump administration as federal judiciary choices, and some are prominent in conservative media and as law professors.

Justice Thomas is not active in the e-mail group, but his wife’s political activism on a public Facebook page have celebrated the January 6 rally.

  • “LOVE MAGA people!!!!”

Ginni added a disclaimer following the violence at the Capitol stating her remarks were made before the siege.

Additionally, there have been unfounded charges on social media that Ginni Thomas played a role in helping to pay for bus transportation for some of those attending the rally. Reporters at The Washington Post, the New York Times and elsewhere, including Stern, found those claims were false.

Sources: The Washington Post and CNN