Jackie Weaver, Britney Spears and a local coup d’état: A breakdown of the world’s worst Zoom call

London (CNN) Was the Zoom meeting of the century called illegally? Had all participants read and understood the standing orders? And, most importantly, did Jackie Weaver have the authority to kick Handforth parish council’s chairman out of the discussion?

Those were the questions engrossing Britain on Friday, after a chaotic, tension-packed and technologically challenged meeting of local government officials from a tiny English town went viral.

The video appears innocuous enough at first — a pre-Christmas get-together of councillors, to discuss matters relating to their quaint location in the northern English county of Cheshire.

But what follows may be the greatest, most ridiculous thing to come out of the past year: A truly anarchic 80 minutes of microphone failures, flushing toilets, insurrections and outright shouting matches that perfectly encapsulated the frustrations of lockdown.

“This meeting has not been called according to the law. The law has been broken,” the council chairman sensationally claims at one point, prompting a ripple of shock from participants.

“Read the standing orders. Read them and understand them!” another member later screams, sparking a round of head-shaking and furious tuts.

Full story at CNN

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Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon