To Quote Ghostbusters, “Alan Dershowitz’s Has Gone Bye-Bye!”

Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz called Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell’s lawsuit against Donald Trump a “political stunt” with “mind-boggling implications.”

Speaking to Newsmax in a video shared to Twitter on Saturday, Dershowitz likened the lawsuit to “suing God for writing the Bible.”

“It certainly is a political stunt, the implications of it are mind-boggling. That means you can sue Black Lives Matter for any violence that ensued from their platform,” he said.

“I guess the final implication is you can sue God for writing the Bible, because the Bible led to the crusades and other violence. And you could sue Imam’s for making speeches in churches and in mosques and synagogues,” he added.

Eric Swalwell’s Lawsuit Against Trump Has ‘Mind-Boggling’ Implications, Says Alan Dershowitz (

Article submitted by, AucepsTheLocalMilkPerson.