Biden to sign executive orders focused on women’s rights

President Biden will sign executive orders Monday establishing a Gender Policy Council and directing the Department of Education to review the federal law Title IX, according to administration officials.

President Joe Biden

The Biden administration is signaling its priorities to advance gender equity and equality as women, particularly women of color, have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden will also sign an executive order directing the Department of Education to review controversial Title IX provisions enacted under former President Trump, which provided those accused of sexual assault or harassment on college campuses with more protections.

The executive order to establish the Council designates a special assistant to the president and senior advisor on gender-based violence on the council staff, and the council will also have two special assistants to the president on gender policy. Per administration officials, the office will focus on combating systemic bias and discrimination, including sexual harassment.

Biden has made women’s issues a priority, handing top White House jobs and staff positions to women and starting a Gender Policy Council, based in the White House and charged with ensuring that all agencies and departments consider women’s issues when developing policy.

Source: Axios and Reuters