Brazilian Politician’s Cunning Plan to Fight Covid: Spray Hand Gel From Planes !

The mystifying proposal was floated in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul on Monday, as Brazil wrestles with the deadliest phase of its 13-month outbreak and the country’s Covid death toll rose to nearly 280,000.

“We’ve got lots of business people here who own helicopters and planes … I don’t know if there’s a liquid version of alcohol gel but I think spraying it would be a good idea because the virus is in the air. It’s like something from another world,” Dias said, according to the news website Metrópoles.

“They use planes to spray crops,” mused the 50-year-old politician, whose state is currently being pummeled by a soaring number of infections and deaths. “Perhaps it’s a good idea because alcohol gel does no harm.”

◾️Brazilian President Bolsonaro has pushed hydroxychloroquine and the antiparasitic drug ivermectin.

◾️There was a report of a Brazilian doctor turning down the offer to become Bolsonaro’s new health minister, but turned it down, because she believed in science.

The Guardian

Yesterday Brazil had 84,124 new cases, by far the most in the world. The U.S. had 53,231. France was third with 29,975.


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