“Congressman” Lauren Boebert Says a Wave of Resignations Before Mid-terms Will Give GOP Control of Congress

Rep. Lauren Boebert (Q-CO) says she believes that Republicans will soon take control of both houses of Congress due to a wave of resignations by Democrats.

Boebert alleges that Donald Trump before leaving office declassified unspecified “information” that she predicts would put the GOP back in control of Congress.

“We all know that there was information that was declassified just a few days before President Trump left office,” Boebert said during a town hall event at Turn of the Century Saloon in Montrose, Colorado on Monday, according to Montrose Daily Press. “I know someone who is involved in declassifying that. This person is getting very tired of waiting on the DOJ (Department of Justice) to do something about it.”

At the same town hall, with her sidearm on her hip, Boebert denounced transgender protections in the Equality Act and said Democrats should start calling her “Congressman Boebert.”

Boebert also railed against “radical socialist Democrats trying to cancel Christianity,” claiming an effort to “cancel Jesus” would be foiled because “you can’t cancel God.” The congresswoman maintained that an early example of “cancel culture” could be found in the Biblical story of the first murder.

“I refuse to bow to the cancel mob,” Boebert said as the crowd burst into applause. “This cancel culture, this is nothing new. This is something that has been around since the beginning of time. Go back to the book of Genesis: Cain cancelled Abel.”

Some of her earlier remarks said that the Equality Act promoted the “supremacy of gays and lesbians and transvestites.”


From Newsweek and the Independent