Matt Gaetz Floats Leaving Congress, Joining Newsmax

Matt Gaetz has reportedly told three sources with direct knowledge that he is considering not seeking re-election to Congress and possibly retiring early to join Newsmax.

Gaetz has told some allies that he is interested in becoming a media personality, and has already had some conversations with the fake news outlet about what a position there could look like.

Gaetz had previously suggested he was interested in crossing the state line to Alabama for a 2020 Senate bid, where they apparently have a one-day residency requirement. Doug Jones was ousted there by Tommy Tuberville.

A prominent spot in the media could prime Gaetz for a national political role, in the footsteps of other media personalities who served as advisors to Trump, such as Larry Kudlow, John Bolton, and Bill Shine.

Gaetz nor any spokesman offered any commentary from Axios.