Capitol Riot Suspect Arrested Wearing “I Was There” T-Shirt

New details of a January 20 arrest of a Dallas man involved in the Capitol riot were revealed in court this week, and his wardrobe spoke for itself.

Garrett Miller, 34 years old and unemployed, was arrested wearing a t-shirt with a bold image of Trump and the text “I Was There, Washington D.C., January 6, 2021.”

Prosecutors urged a judge not to release Miller before his trial, noting several details surrounding his activities on January 6, 2020, at the Capitol.

  • Miller allegedly admitted bringing a gun into the Capitol.
  • Police found at his house an array of weapons and gear, including a grappling hook, ropes, body armor, night vision goggles, a crossbow and arrows, and multiple firearms with ammunition.
  • Miller boasted of his activities on Twitter, only hours after the attack tweeted “Assassinate AOC.”
  • Showed off a selfie of himself in the Rotunda with the caption reading “Just wanted to incriminate myself a little lol.”
  • When a friend on Facebook thought Miller might be arrested by the FBI, Miller posted “It might be time for me to … be hard to locate.”

Miller also showed an obsession with Ashli Babbitt who was fatally shot in the insurrection by a police officer. Prosecutors said Miller saw her as a “sister in battle” as he circulated pictures on Facebook of an African American police officer he believed was responsible for her death.

His comments about Babbitt included, “Dead serious she fought fir me now I fight fir her.” 

Miller also declared it “huntin’ season” for the Black officer he believed had killed Babbitt and said he wanted to “hug his neck with a nice rope,” according to court records.

Miller is currently being held in a detention center in Oklahoma before he is extradited to Washington, D.C., to be tried in federal court. His defense attorney is asking for release from custody until his trial, but prosecutors say that Miller should remain in jail because he has shown a lack of remorse, made violent threats and previously suggested he would try to evade police.

In a call immediately after his arrest, Miller told his mother, “I don’t feel that I’ve done anything wrong and now I’m being locked up.” 

From Washington Post and AP