Video shows smugglers dropping 2 children from 14-foot border fence into US

The children, a 5-year-old girl, and a 3-year-old girl are sisters from Ecuador.

This photo taken Tuesday from night video and provided by the United States Customs and Border Protection

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released video of two people bringing the children to the border barrier on the Mexico side on Tuesday night. One person is seen scaling the fence and dropping the children onto the U.S. side. After both children land on the ground, the person atop the fence climbs back down to the Mexico side before two people are seen running away

The smugglers were under cover of night, but a border agent captured the incident on a cellphone camera using night-vision technology. Other border agents were alerted of the incident and directed to the remote location near Santa Teresa, New Mexico, where they rescued the two unaccompanied migrant children — a 5-year-old girl and a 3-year-old girl. The pair are sisters from Ecuador and both were “alert” when agents found them, according to a press release from CBP.

Source: ABC