Ted Cruz Accused Maxine Waters of ‘Encouraging Riots and Violence’

The speeches and rallies on January 6, 2021 that resulted in an attack on the capitol while congress was in session didn’t seem to bother Ted Cruz…and certainly did not deter him from using “the big lie” to argue why he wanted to stop the certification of votes from the presidential election. However, Maxine Waters protesting the police killing of Daunte Wright was the straw that broke the camel’s back for him.

Waters, a California Democrat, attended on Sunday one of the protests against the police killing of 20-year-old Daunte Wright. At the protest, Waters said she and the crowd are “looking for a guilty verdict” for Chauvin.

“We’ve got to stay in the streets, and we’ve got to demand justice,” she said, according to a video posted on  from the event. 


Cruz, a Republican from Texas, blasted those remarks from Waters. 

Cruz’s reaction echoes the standard rhetoric emanating from portions of the republican party and their supporters that are outraged over protests from the summer of 2020 due to the killing of George Floyd by police officers. Speech encouraging citizens to demand justice and respect of their lives is some how dangerous and frightening to Cruz and his kind. While speech encouraging violence over elections and partisan ideology is patriotic in his mind.
