Free Chat: Monday Moanin’

Good Monday Moanin’ NewsViewers, and welcome to another week of “living the dream” in our pandemic world.

Part of a busy weekend meant having to run a few errands to the local hardware store and Home Depot. While not weighing whether I’m supposed to be boycotting that place, we needed a few items, and got our business done for under a cool Benjamin.

I have to admit I felt some confidence reaching for my mask before entrance to these public places, thanks to Pfizer. But another thing that struck me was the high percentage of mask compliance everywhere I’ve been, especially considering how high the community spread is where I live.

So here’s a topic of open discussion for us to peruse — among many others of your liking:

How much anxiety and fear do you still have of catching COVID-19?

While I’m still careful, I’m wondering where you all stand with confidence in your shots? Are you more comfortable getting out and about? I’m ready to have more normalcy this summer and do some traveling, but we all have different levels of comfort. I’m concerned I will never be ready, and that it might be necessary to trust my vaccine to keep me safe.

What do you think, NewsViewers?

According to the American Psychological Association, those who received the vaccine are just as likely to have hesitancy about interacting with others and going back to our former lives as those who have not.

But this is your Free Chat for today, so it’s your option to let us know where you stand. Free chat away, and Happy Monday!