Former Guy’s Advisers Urge Him to Make Pro-Vaccine PSA

Some of Trump’s former advisers are urging the dotard to make a public service announcement that would encourage his cult followers to roll up their sleeves, get the vaccine, and be true patriots.

“In Trump country, if you want to call it that, there are still significant numbers of people who aren’t sure [Covid-19] is a real thing, despite folks getting sick, and there are lots of suspicions about the vaccine,” the source said. “They have literally said to me, ‘I want to hear from the president about this.’ I don’t think they’re going to listen to anyone else.”

“They want me to make a video,” Trump said in his April 19 interview with host Sean Hannity. “They want me to do a commercial saying take the vaccine, and they think that’s very important and I’d certainly do it.”

But other advisers think it’s not a good idea because his cult base of anti-vaxxers might not approve.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 29% of Republicans said they would definitely not get a vaccine; 6% said they would only get it if required, 19% said they would wait and see and 46% said they had already gotten it or would get it soon as possible.


And speaking of approval, a new NBC poll taken after 100 days out of office shows support for the Former Guy is diminishing.

Former Guy’s Ratings:

  • among all adults stands at 32 percent favorable
  • All adults: 21 percent with a very positive view
  • 55 percent unfavorable
  • down from his rating in January (40 percent favorable, 53 percent unfavorable among registered voters)
  • 44 percent of Republicans saying they’re more supporters of Trump than the GOP, versus 50 percent who say they’re more supporters of the GOP than the former president

Biden’s Ratings:

  • 50 percent positive
  • 36 percent negative
  • All adults: 33 percent strongly disapprove