Donald Trump’s ‘Summer of Winning’ video is a loser

On Tuesday, the White House released a nearly two-minute video titled “The Summer of Winning” that documented a series of alleged — you guessed it! — wins for President Donald Trump and his administration over the summer.

The video was meant as a direct response to a story in The Washington Post on Labor Day headlined: “Trump’s lost summer: Aides claim victory, but others see incompetence and intolerance.” Trump himself had tweeted about the story shortly after it came out; “The Amazon Washington Post did a story that I brought racist attacks against the ‘Squad,'” he wrote. “No, they brought racist attacks against our Nation. All I do is call them out for the horrible things they have said.

The Democrats have become the Party of the Squad!”There are a WHOLE lot of “winning” claims in the video. To continue CNN’s analysis: read the column here :