Fact Check: Hydroxychloroquine Not Related to Drop of Cases in India

India has been hit hard by the pandemic, with their health care systems overwhelmed and only 3% of their citizens vaccinated against COVID-19.

Now the Gateway Pundit, the conservative cesspool of misinformation, is suggesting that “coronavirus cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population.” 

In fact, India’s Health and Family Welfare Ministry published guidance on April 28 that says patients with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 infections should consider taking ivermectin once a day for three to five days. Caregivers and “all close contacts” of patients eligible for home isolation “should take hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as per protocol and as prescribed by the treating medical officer,” the document says.

Hydroxychloroquine has been proven in numerous trials to have no benefit.

New infections in New Delhi and Mumbai seem to be declining, but experts say it’s likely caused by recent guidelines implemented for mask-wearing and social distancing.

QAnon General Michael Flynn continues to promote misinformation about hydroxychloroquine.

Flynn also says he has taken hydroxychloroquine for 30 years so he has no need to worry about COVID-19, which was a conspiracy theory to control the people in the U.S.

USA Today