Free Chat Friday, Week 21

happy Friday peeps — that last cartoon about Eric Carle–he wrote “The very hungry caterpillar”, a kids book with the best art — it’s a loved book because of the pictures. Here’s the caterpillar–

RIP Eric Carle. And since it’s Friday,, there is much to chat about freely, here in this crazy place where all kinds of issues are tossed around– Feel free to bring it. And for now, this is probably a good time for a Sit Rep from my neck of the woods: Let me see………,

Weather: Rain, Clouds, Animal Sightings: 2 deer (“if we stand really still, we’re invisible and she won’t see us….”This is the level of deer IQ around these parts}. Also sighted and cussed at, three patches of dirt in the lawn that indicate Moles have been popping up when no one is around……..ok, moving on: Traffic: none. Masks: none Boring Sit Rep for the Holler. . . . what’s the sitch in your neck of the woods, NV community?