Sicknick Family Says They Will Keep Fighting

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s mother Gladys and his longtime partner Sandra Garza were on Capitol Hill last week to lobby lawmakers to vote for an independent commission to investigate what happened on January 6. 

Sicknick told CBS News that she and Garza made the decision to go door-to-door on Capitol Hill because they needed answers that nobody was giving them.

“I’m disgusted that the Republican senators, that decided to vote no. It’s a spit in the face to Brian, it’s a spit in the face to all the officers that were there that day,” Garza said.

Garza added that those senators who didn’t show up to vote showed a “dereliction of duty” and both women blamed Trump.

“And I was a person who supported Donald Trump,” Garza said. “Brian was a supporter of his. I mean, even on Brian’s Twitter page, he had Donald Trump’s personal plane in the background, as his background picture.”

Garza said Trump never reached out to offer condolences, not even in a letter, and added that she would meet with him to ask why.

“And I would ask him why he failed all law enforcement that day. You know, he has an opportunity to turn this around. You know, if he’s really going to back the blue, then back it up with your actions,” Garza said. Sicknick added, “He just watched it on television like it was a soap opera. I don’t understand it. How can you be so uncaring?”

Both women said they were not interested in filing a lawsuit against Trump, but think Brian would be appalled at what was happening.

Garza and Sicknick plan to continue meeting with lawmakers — starting with Rep. Liz Cheney on Tuesday, while working on other ways to carry out Brian’s legacy.