Rick and Susan Wiles Update

Dear friends and ministry partners,

Many of you have been asking for an update regarding Rick and Susan.  I am happy to report to our TRUNEWS family a fantastic update.  Your prayers have worked!

I just received the following update from Rick in the hospital, delivered as only he can:

“Thanks to Jesus Christ, I survived the CCP Covid genocide on the American people. I will be released from the hospital later today. My breathing is returning to normal. Pneumonia defeated. The worst is over. My deepest gratitude for all the prayers. I will share more later. On the darkest night the Holy Spirit gave me Psalm 118:17 for strength:

‘I shall not die, but I shall live
and declare the works of the Lord.'”

We ask that you continue to pray for Rick for a full recovery.  He will need to spend some time at home recuperating, but healing and deliverance are taking place!

Please also continue to pray for Susan, as she remains at home recovering as well.  Please pray for the entire Wiles family, as they receive healing from the Lord.

One other update, and that is regarding Edward Szall.  He developed severe symptoms over the Memorial Day weekend, and will be spending time at home as he goes through his own battle.  

No bioweapon formed against us shall prosper!

Many of you have asked about the godcasts.  Not to worry, they will resume with the Tuesday edition of TRUNEWS.  We will also have a surprise announcement regarding the godcast on Wednesday, so be sure to tune in.

Please continue to keep this ministry in your prayers in all matters, and thank you for your truly wonderful support and continued friendship!

In His Service,

Dr. Raymond Burkhart,
Vice-President, Flowing Streams

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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it