Feds Looking at Obstruction of Justice By Matt Gaetz

Federal prosecutors are now looking at whether Matt Gaetz obstructed justice during a phone call he had with a witness in the sex-crimes investigation, according to two sources familiar with the situation.

The phone call was between the witness and Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend. At some point in the call, the ex-girlfriend added Gaetz into the call. It is unknown what was said in the conversation, but it is the key to whether prosecutors can charge Gaetz with obstruction of justice, which makes it illegal to suggest that a witness in a criminal case lie or give misleading testimony.

The witness later spoke with prosecutors.

A written statement by a Gaetz spokeperson was provided:

“Congressman Gaetz pursues justice, he doesn’t obstruct it,” the statement said. “The anonymous allegations have thus far amounted to lies, wrapped in leaks, rooted in an extortion plot by a former DOJ official. After two months, there is still not a single on-record accusation of misconduct, and now the ‘story’ is changing yet again.”

The former girlfriend who was on the call in question, meanwhile, is seeking an immunity deal from prosecutors and has expressed fears to friends that she too may have run afoul of an obstruction of justice charge. She told friends that she feared the alleged trafficking victim may have recorded her in another phone call.

Insiders say the former girlfriend has not yet signed an immunity deal, but may do so by the end of the month. July may be the prime time for an indictment of the Florida congressman if there is enough evidence against him.

Joel Greenberg, the point man in the sex-crimes, is cooperating with authorities, and there are signs that the 17-year old victim is also cooperating.
