Released emails show the Former Guy pressured the DoJ to overturn the 2020 election

On Tuesday, the House Oversight Committee released emails detailing the Former Guy’s “repeated efforts to pressure the Department of Justice to pursue his unsubstantiated claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election and help overturn Joe Biden’s victory.”

According to NBC:

Among the efforts was pressure on the Department of Justice to intervene in lawsuits being pursued by Trump’s campaign and supporters to get the Supreme Court to overturn the results.

At the end of December, Trump’s White House assistant emailed then-Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and other top Justice Department officials with a draft legal brief that the president wanted them to file with the Supreme Court. Kurt Olsen, a private attorney for Trump, also contacted department officials requesting the federal agency file the brief.

The 54-page brief called on the Supreme Court to declare that Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada had administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the 14th Amendment, claiming that the states changed election rules without legislative action. All six were swing states that Trump lost.

Read the emails here:

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