The Western “Conservative” Summit in Denver with Boebert, Ngo, Santorum and more of the same

With reports of violence greatly exaggerated.

The Western Conservative Summit is an annual gathering of right wingers that typically takes over the Colorado Convention Center for two days each summer. It is organized by the Centennial Institute and Colorado Christian University and this year was smalle with fewer “celebrities”.

Only one speaker was met with a standing ovation at the beginning and end of his remarks: Andy Ngo, a controversial conservative journalist who has claimed that he’s been assaulted while trying to “unmask” activists he believes are members of antifa..

On Saturday morning, all three Colorado Republicans in Congress — U.S. Reps. Lauren BoebertKen Buck and Doug Lamborn — took part in a panel hosted, like a late-night talk show, by Hunt the MC who, incidentally, believes Ngo deserves a Pulitzer Prize..

Said Rep. Buck, “In Colorado — this is completely amazing: Dispensaries were open, and churches were closed. And I didn’t see a group of pastors, priests and others protesting somewhere about that happening. We went like lambs to the slaughter. We can’t allow that to happen.”

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Silt, talks during a panel discussion about the state of conservative policy in Colorado at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver on Saturday, June 19, 2021

Boebert, who lives in Silt, defended her decision last week to vote against a bill that would award congressional gold medals to U.S. Capitol police and Washington, D.C., police for defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. Boebert was one of only 21 House members to vote nay and the only Coloradan to do so.

“They want to say we are against our police officers if we voted against Nancy Pelosi’s radical language. You know, I want to say here today, thank you to the police officers who are here,” the congresswoman said.

Baker Jack Phillips was a speaker — “We knew there were cakes that we would not create,” Phillips said of starting Masterpiece Cakeshop. “Cakes that celebrate Halloween, cakes that were anti-American or atheist … but also cakes that would insult or denigrate anybody in any way shape or form, even people who identify as LGBT.”

W America’s most famous anti-LGBTQ cakemaker, Lakewood’s Jack Phillips, tearfully spoke of the various court battles related to his refusals to bake cakes for gay and transgender clients. Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, is in Western Conservative Summit in Hyatt Regency Denver At Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado on Friday, June 18, 2021. (Photo by Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post)

While the Denver local news stated there had been no violence during the conference, right wing media all have stories and ambiguous shots of persons they label as “antifa” or “BLM. “Per the Denver post, “But no protesters were spotted inside or outside Saturday.” (more)

Source: The Denver Post