Free Range Free Chat

I’ve often said “why isn’t there more blue food””– and the same is true for animals–why aren’t there more blue animals? Red, Green, Brown, Black among others make a limited palate and why? Blue animals are special…..

Happy Monday Peeps; this is Free Range Free Chat; it’s a cloudy day, dreary; a nap day, a down day, I’m calling it a blue day. How is it for you? Free Range is a chance to chat about this blue planet and all things on it–while from a distance we may be a blue dot, from a different perspective we are all colors; some just aren’t as obvious as others. . . .

Now’s the time to share your view of the world–what and how do you see what’s going on today? In the same way the color blue occurs rarely in animals, our own world views or perspectives or ways of seeing events of the day large and small. . . are each one of a kind……tell us about — this is a free chat, so anything goes within reason on this Blue Monday……

Source: Quanta and Treehugger