‘It’s Not What it Looks Like’ — Ottawa Man Caught With Pants Down in Pony Stall !

Our Polite Neighbors to the North

When police found the intruder at the Ottawa stables, he was in a stall with his pants down and his penis up, standing next to a miniature pony that had been tied up and lubed up with massage oil.

“I’m sorry, it’s not what it looks like,” Ryan Dodd, 30, immediately told police officers according to their notes cited at his criminal trial last week for break-and-enter and attempted bestiality, in which he was found guilty of both.

Whatever it looked like, Ottawa police and Ontario Provincial Police officers responding to the break-and-enter call early on Jan. 5, 2019, told him to put his pants on, and he did so, only backwards, saying, “This is embarrassing.”

Police said the pony smelled of perfume and “noted her genitalia appeared shiny.”

Ottawa Citizen

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