Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 07/28/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.

President Biden/Biden Administration:


Pelosi, McCarthy trade barbs over return of House mask mandate

Pelosi called McCarthy a “moron.” McCarthy said Pelosi was making rules that aren’t based on science.

Yes, Kevin is a moron.

  • Sen. Kyrsten Sinema does not support Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan that aims to deliver major components of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda that Democrats hope to pass after moving a separate bipartisan infrastructure deal that Sinema negotiated.
  • Senate appears prepared to move forward on bipartisan infrastructure deal:

Suspend them without pay:


This table is sorted by places with the most cases per 100,000 residents in the last seven days. Charts show change in daily averages and are each on their own scale. Select a table header to sort by another metric.

  • On Tuesday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said vaccinated individuals should wear a mask indoors if they’re in an area with substantial or high rates of transmission. That includes parts of Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas, states where governors have restricted local officials’ ability to implement mask mandates.

Judge allowing offenders to get COVID vaccine in place of community service hours

Police Behaving Badly:

  • A Wisconsin judge on Wednesday found probable cause to charge a police officer in the 2016 slaying of a Black man who was sitting in a parked car, taking the rare step of overruling prosecutors years after they declined to charge the officer.
  • Milwaukee County Judge Glenn Yamahiro said probable cause existed to charge Joseph Mensah with homicide by negligent use of a weapon in Jay Anderson Jr.’s death. He ordered a special prosecutor to formally file the charge within 60 days.

Voting Rights/Voter Suppression/Elections:

  • The Department of Justice notified states Wednesday that they must follow federal law when conducting post-election audits or changing election procedures.
  • “We are concerned that if they are going to conduct these so-called audits, they have to comply with federal law and can’t conduct them in a way that’s going to intimidate voters,” a senior department official said.

White ISIS/MAGAts/ White Supremacists/Wing Nut Watch/GUNZ!:

The Justice Department Is Struggling To Bring Capitol Riot Cases To Trial: Here’s Why:

The Former Guy:

The Former Guys spins his bigly loss.

Trump himself disputed the result had dented his power. In a phone call with Axios on Wednesday, the former president conceded McIntosh had pushed him to support Wright but blamed Democrats — not the Club for Growth — for Ellzey’s victory.

  • He also said he actually “won” because Wright had bested Ellzey in the initial primary and the runoff came down to two Republicans he liked.

I think this is the only race we’ve lost together,” Trump said of McIntosh and the Club for Growth, before catching himself mid-sentence on the word “lost.”

  • “This is the only race we’ve … this is not a loss, again, I don’t want to claim it is a loss, this was a win. …The big thing is, we had two very good people running that were both Republicans. That was the win.”

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