Louisiana (D) Governor Says He’s Fasting Over COVID-19

“Join me and @FirstLadyOfLA in praying & fasting during lunch time August 9-11 for our health care workers & all those affected by COVID-19,” Edwards wrote. “In addition to prayer, I urge all Louisianans to protect their neighbors & themselves by getting their vaccines & wearing masks.”

Last week he released the following:

“Yesterday, I asked hundreds of ministers and pastors throughout Louisiana to join me during the lunch hour next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in praying and fasting for our state, and I am extending this invitation to anyone and everyone who is so inclined, no matter their religious beliefs,” Edwards said. “I believe very strongly in the power of prayer, and there are thousands of people right now in Louisiana who need to be lifted up in prayer. So I hope you will join your prayers to mine for healing and protection.”

Edwards said he would be praying for those sick with COVID-19 as well as health care workers treating the virus. He said he would also be praying for schools to be able to reopen safely this year.

The Governor has not issued a vaccine mandate for public workers or those in high-risk sectors.

56 percent of Louisiana’s adults have received at least one jab.

The Hill

Read this from an NV discussion dated 7/20/20.

No scripture and/or proselytizing

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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it