Pastor/Podcaster Who Questioned Vaccines and Mocked AIDS Deaths gets COVID

They Should’ve Listened to Dr. Fauci

Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart, a longtime Denver media personality who remains an active podcaster, made headlines last October when a lawsuit he filed prompted a U.S. District Court judge appointed by President Donald Trump to grant a temporary restraining order against the Colorado public-health order regarding COVID-19 and mask use at religious services, as well as rules limiting gatherings to 175 people amid the pandemic. 

Now, however, Enyart and his wife, Cheryl, have both contracted COVID-19. Neither has been vaccinated, for what an August 2021 passage on Enyart’s website,, describes as pro-life reasons. “Bob and Cheryl Enyart have sworn off taking the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson vaccines because, as those firms admit, they tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies, it says.

Enyart hasn’t portrayed COVID-19 as a complete hoax. Indeed, his long, rambling post on COVID conspiracies debunks a slew of myths, including “the coronavirus was never a real threat,” “the government planned the pandemic (as a power grab),” “the media planned the pandemic (to get Trump),” “the global elite planned this (toward ushering in the anti-Christ)” and “Fauci, who said ‘it’s coming,’ planned this (to make money).” But he also argues that “mitigation efforts appear to be worse than the disease.” 

On his discontinued TV show Bob Anyart Live: He would read obituaries of AIDS sufferers while playing the song “Another Bite of Dust” by Queen, whose lead singer Freddie Mercury died from the disease. 


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