South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Orders Review of State’s Abortion Law

With Texas now having the tightest abortion laws in the country, Governor Kristi Noem is looking to not be outdone, and wants to tighten abortion laws in South Dakota.

Current law in South Dakota generally allows abortion through 12 weeks. From week 12 to 22, South Dakota requires that abortions must be performed by physicians only in licensed hospitals or other specific locations. After the 22nd week, abortions are allowed only in the case of a medical emergency.

South Dakota voters in 2006 and 2008 rejected ballot measures that would have prohibited most abortions. That recent history might not deter the governor.

Noem stated earlier this spring that she is an absolutist when it comes to her pro-life stance, desiring a complete ban on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest.  

Local sources Keloland, and the Argus Leader