Nicki Minaj Tweets Conspiracy Theory About Vaccines Causing Impotence

Nicki Minaj started a media storm when she tweeted about her vaccination status, attending the 2021 Met Gala, and her cousin’s friend’s testicles.

The series of tweets started with a confession that she had earlier contracted Covid-19 as part of an explanation for her absence at the Met Gala — a fundraising gala for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute.

Fans began giving advice, and Minaj tweeted more nonsense.

Then there were a lot of confusing tweets about Minaj’s feelings about being vaccinated, noting that she would probably do it and recommend it because performers need to “feed their families.” But Minaj needed to do more research.

Then it got weird, with Minaj citing her cousin having some odd symptoms due to the vaccine, and of course the wingnuts picked up on it to push their anti-vax stupidity.

When Joy Reid called out Minaj for fueling the anti-vax fire coming from the right wing crowd, Minaj denied she had said anything wrong and labeled Reid an “Uncle Tomiana.” Minaj tweeted on about how the media misrepresented her comments.

This morning Minaj was apparently being summoned by her cousin’s friend.

The CDC has reiterated that the mRNA vaccines, nor any vaccines, DO NOT cause infertility issues in men or women.

Story was at Washington Post, Daily Beast, and NBC