Michigan Capitol Rally Seeks Forensic Audit and “Revolution”

Trump supporters at a Michigan Capitol rally on Tuesday were seeking a “forensic audit” of the 2020 election in which President Biden won the state by more than 150,000 votes.

The rally was promoted by Trump to force the state to spend $10 million and would take months to complete.

“This is how a revolution starts,” Republican candidate Jon Rocha told a crowd of roughly 1,000 activists, several holding signs declaring “Trump won” despite his 2020 election loss to Democratic President Joe Biden. 

Republican State Rep. Daire Rendon wore her Q button to the rally, featuring an American flag with a gold “Q” on it.

Daire Rendon, Republican

Asked if the button was for the group QAnon, Rendon, chairwoman of the House Insurance Committee, responded, “That is a flag with a Q on it.” As for what the “Q” referenced, she replied, “The ‘Q’ is the highest level of security in the federal government. … That’s what it is.”

Detroit News

Several Republican candidates and activists announced a petition drive seeking 340,047 voter signatures to put an audit initiative before lawmakers and demand GOP leadership allow a vote.

The Republican candidate for Attorney General and others accused the current legislators of “hiding” inside the building to avoid election fraud activists.

In fact, the Capitol building was largely empty that day because the rally coincided with another state legislator’s funeral.

On Monday, Michigan’s attorney general and secretary of state announced charges against three individuals for attempted voter fraud in the 2020 election, saying the charges disprove widespread voter fraud as claimed by Trump and other voter fraud activists.

“Our election system is secure, and today’s charges demonstrate that in the rare circumstances when fraud occurs we catch it and hold the perpetrators accountable,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

BridgeMI, Forbes, and Detroit Free Press