NYPD Cop Shoots Her Ex-Girlfriend and Kills the Ex’s New Love Interest

I believe both photos are of Yvonne Wu of the NYPD

Officer Yvonne Wu, 31, who’s assigned to the 72nd Precinct in Brooklyn, opened fire on the couple in her ex’s home at 19th Ave. near 80th St. in Bensonhurst just after 5 p.m., hitting both in the chest, police sources said.

The jealous officer’s ex-girlfriend,  Jenny Li, 23, was expected to survive a gunshot wound to her torso. The new lover, identified as Jamie Liang, 24, was shot numerous times and died, sources said.

When one of the victims called 911, the operator could hear someone in the background saying, “That’s what you get,” sources told the Daily News.

✱Wu was waiting on Li’s bed at the residence for the couple to come.

✱Assistant Chief Michael Kemper said Wu confessed.

✱Wu joined the force in 2016.

✱Wu and Li lived together until about a month ago.

✱A friend of the dead woman said of Wu, “She was possessive. Jenny Li just couldn’t take it anymore,” the 21-year-old friend said. “This cop is a psychopath. She was stalking her ex for a month.”

NY Daily

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