Marjorie Taylor Greene Boasts of $60,500 in Mask Fines

Marjorie Trailer Taylor Greene tweeted on Monday that Nancy Pelosi has fined her $60,500 in mask fines so far, and boasted of her unvaccinated status.

Given that a congressperson’s salary is set at $174,000, getting fined at this rate would mean that Greene owes more than one-third of her entire annual pay in mask fines.

In July, Greene, along with Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Ralph Norman (R-SC), filed a lawsuit against Pelosi alleging that the fines are a decrease in salary since they are deducted from their paychecks. The lawsuit argues that the 27th Amendment to the Constitution says that increases and decreases in House salary must be done by vote.

In pre-Delta variant times, the House loosened mask requirements for those who were vaccinated, but the Delta variant changed that. Masks are now required by both the vaccinated and unvaccinated not only in House Chambers but in halls of the House, as well as in committee meetings and in offices with others present. The exception is when the House Chair has recognized a member to speak.

HillReporter, Raw Story, Atlanta Journal Constitution