Free Chat Friday, Week 46

Happy Friday News Viewers as we face the reality that we’ve been freely chatting with each other for 46 weeks, almost all of 2021. Do you remember when the year was 2020, the year from the 7th Level of Hell, when one after the other we said, “will this year EVER end?” and “will this Pandemic ever end?” and “will Trump EVER go away?”

One out of three of those questions gets a Yes answer — not only did 2020 end, we’re now looking at the horizon of 2021. For myself I feel as if I turned my head for an instant to look at some distraction, most likely the cat blurring by, and when I turned back, a year had passed, 2021, and we still had the Pandemic, we had a former prez yet ever present Trump, but we also had a new year coming.

Even with the nightmare of Trump and his mob, COVID and a world of losses, we find ourselves one year closer to their expiration, when they’ll be relegated to the history books, and formed into the cautionary tales told around the campfire, tales about the years we almost lost our way, our democratic vision, and our faith in humans. So we remind ourselves daily and often that those of us who are humans 😎😎 now start tapping into our ability to once again pull ourselves out of the primordial and political slime by straightening up, standing tall, moving forward.

Welcome to Free Chat Friday, the place to share what’s happening in your neck of the woods. Who knows? We may solve the world’s problems by free association chat; serendipity happens digitally too, I’m sure of it. This is your choice of topics, your words, your Gifs, memes and jokes; your video clips but keep ’em short so they’ll be watched (2 or 3 minutes sounds good to me. . ..) So what’s happening in your world?