Mark Meadows reveals TFG tested positive for COVID-19 a few days before the debate with President Biden

In a new book, The Chief’s Chief by former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Meadows revealed Trump (TFG) tested positive for COVID-19 just days before his scheduled debate with President Biden. The Guardian obtained a copy of the new book on Tuesday, “the day Meadows reversed course and said he would cooperate with the House committee investigating the deadly Capitol attack of 6 January.” The book is scheduled for release next week.

Here are some findings from Meadows’ new ‘tell all’ (after the fact) book:

  • Meadows claims that “though he knew each candidate was required “to test negative for the virus within seventy two hours of the start time … Nothing was going to stop [Trump] from going out there.”
  • TFG returned a negative result from a different test shortly after the positive.
  • TFG’s Sept. 26th positive test shocked!! the White House, which just held a “Rose Garden ceremony for the supreme court nominee Amy Coney Barrett – an occasion now widely considered to have been a Covid super-spreader event.”
  • TFG’s debate with President Biden occurred on Sept. 29, 2020.

Despite the president looking “a little tired” and suspecting a “slight cold”, Meadows says he was “content” that Trump travelled that evening to a rally in Middletown, Pennsylvania.

But as Marine One lifted off, Meadows writes, the White House doctor called.

“Stop the president from leaving,” Meadows says Sean Conley told him. “He just tested positive for Covid.”

It wasn’t possible to stop Trump but when he called from Air Force One, his chief of staff gave him the news.

“Mr President,” Meadows said, “I’ve got some bad news. You’ve tested positive for Covid-19.”

Trump’s reply, the devout Christian writes, “rhyme[d] with ‘Oh spit, you’ve gotta be trucking lidding me’”.

The host, Chris Wallace of Fox News, later said Trump was not tested before the debate because he arrived late. Organisers, Wallace said, relied on the honor system.

***Take a few moments to read the entire article to know just how ignorant, reckless, and selfish TFG truly was and still is.

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