Bad News: White Supremacists Rally in D.C. Good News: At Least They Wore Masks

Member of Patriot Front in DC Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021

From The Daily Beast:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A group of white supremacists stormed through downtown Washington, D.C. on Saturday evening, bearing American flags and mildly menacing plastic shields while marching to the beat of a snare drum down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. But after chanting aggressively about their plans to “reclaim America,” their intended show of force stalled spectacularly when they lost their ride.

While the group had marched through the city with threatening chants about their plan to “reclaim America,” by the end of the night it was not even clear how they intended to reclaim their U-Haul.

As Patriot Front’s leader Thomas Rousseau spoke beside the Capitol reflecting pool, bystanders booed. Asked about the reason for the march, Rousseau said, “Our demonstrations are an exhibition of our unified capability to organize, to show our strength—not as brawlers or public nuisances, but as men capable of illustrating a message and seeking an America that more closely resembles the interests of its true people.”

At the end of the night, the march ended in a logistical anti-climax. No arrests were made at the Arlington Memorial Bridge, where the demonstration wound down, and D.C. police Lt. Jason Bagshaw told The Daily Beast that the cops, some in riot gear, were on the scene simply “waiting for people to leave.”

Speaking to the group during the demonstration, Thomas Rousseau, leader of the group, also present in Charlottesville in 2017 with the group, then part of Vanguard America, said “Our demonstrations are an exhibition of our unified capability to organize, to show our strength,” Rousseau said, according to the outlet. Not as brawlers or public nuisances, but as men capable of illustrating a message and seeking an America that more closely resembles the interests of its true people.”

Business Insider

According to The Anti-Defamation League, Patriot Front members believe that their ancestors conquered America and bequeathed it.

The group espouses “racism, anti-Semitism, and intolerance under the guise of preserving the ethnic and cultural origins of their European ancestors,” the organization said.

Patriot Front broke off from the white nationalist group Vanguard America after the group murdered a woman at the notorious “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.

Source: The Daily Beast, Business Insider