Alex Jones’ Wife Arrested on Domestic Violence Charge

DALLAS (AP) — The wife of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested Christmas Eve on a domestic violence charge that the right-wing provocateur said stems from a “medication imbalance.”

Sheriff’s deputies took Erika Wulff Jones into custody and booked her into an Austin jail around 8:45 p.m. Friday. Jail records show the 43-year-old faces misdemeanor charges of assault causing bodily injury to a family member and resisting arrest, search or transport. She had not received a bond Saturday afternoon.

Alex Jones, an Austin resident and founder of the right-wing media group Infowars, declined Saturday to say whether he’d been injured or elaborate on what happened beyond that he believes it was related to his wife’s recent change of medication.

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“It’s a private family matter that happened on Christmas Eve,” Jones told The Associated Press in a brief interview. “I love my wife and care about her and it appears to be some kind of medication imbalance.”


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