Coffee Talk

Good morning and hallelujah for coffee — making mine dark and deep, just like my thoughts! Ha!

It’s been another week of home improvements and grateful for an end to the chaos. We essentially turned our house upside down/inside out for three days and today I get to begin putting life back in order.

This brings me to today’s topic of Coffee Talk — the free chat session of NewsViews with a suggested starter discussion.

Today’s Topic:

Another year is closing out and we can celebrate the end of another strange duration of time. Can 2022 be any better, or any different? Or is it up to us to learn to make it better, regardless of what is slung at us?

Do you believe in New Year’s Resolutions?

Personally, I hate the phrase. I believe it’s natural to feel a need to reset our courses — to look back and see a need for changes, updates, new trends, and better habits. But honestly, we should admit it’s a passing phase, and I can’t think of ever setting a New Year’s resolution that lasted more than a few months. I feel the phrase should be changed to goals and not resolutions, which might set up a more attainable objective.

Thoughts? I’m in — I just have to settle on a priority, because there are too many ideas floating around in my head to make 2022 more tolerable.

Welcome to Coffee Talk, your free chat zone. Feel free to deliberate, exchange ideas, converse, and kvetch!

What’s up for 2022?