Coffee Talk

Good Thursday vibes, NewsViewers, and welcome to Coffee Talk where we get to warm up the News Views action with some chit-chat. Just think, all of this is FREE. That’s right, free chat.

***And I do mean “warm up” as it warmed all the way up to 37 degrees yesterday. In the Midwest, coffee is… life.

So, here at Coffee Talk we give you the option to free chat about whatever you like (within reason) and sometimes whatever you don’t like (also, within reason). The third option is to discuss today’s topic.

We’re here for YOU, whatever course of action you opt for. Maybe you’re opting to be a spectator. Good for you, it’s your experience.

Let us proceed!

Today’s Topic:

I came across a new “service” available in Michigan and it seems like good timing with Omicron roaring. We’re talking about walk up ATM-style pizza. Push the button, enter your card, and three minutes later your hot boxed pizza spits out. Check it out.

PizzaForno is a Canadian based company, eh? Utilizing a convection style oven behind the wall, PizzaForno offers pizzas ranging from $10 to $13, and can also be purchased cold for a take home-to-bake option. Options in toppings include a Pepperoni, Hawaiian, BBQ Chicken, and Honey and Goat Cheese pizzas.

So let’s talk pizza. Toppings, crusts, spices, chains………To Pineapple or not to Pineapple? ……..All things pizza.

This almost makes me wish I was back in college, where the cheap pizzas were on Tuesdays, and the best pizzas were savored on pay days. And since college days, I’ve discovered the toppings I can’t live without are olives, and make mine Kalamata.

What say you, NewsViewers?

Enjoy your Thursday and today’s free chat.