The Top 5 Reasons For the “Great Resignation”

None of them are pay

There have been several analyses about what is driving the so-called Great Resignation, with theories about people leaving to start their own businesses, leveraging better treatment in lieu of lower wages, or professionals who can afford to be choosy about finding a job that aligns better with their values.

An MIT Sloan Management Review article is less anecdotal and more data-driven: It’s not about the wages.

Why are employees leaving?

Toxic Culture

A toxic corporate culture is 10 times more important than compensation. Specifically, “failure to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; workers feeling disrespected; and unethical behavior.”

Job insecurity and reorganization.

There’s nothing like feeling that you could lose your job at any time to make you think about looking for a different job. Negative assessments of the company’s future is a strong indicator.

High levels of innovation. 

Innovation is hard and hard on workers. While it may be interesting and inspiring, it burns people out.

Failure to recognize performance. 

Employees are more likely to leave companies that fail to distinguish between high performers and laggards when it comes to recognition and rewards,” writes the authors. Employees appreciate feeling seen and valued when it’s deserved.

Poor response to COVID-19.

Employees who were negative about their company’s failure to properly manage the pandemic were more likely to quit. Incompetent companies who bungled their way through suffered the consequences.

From Inc.