Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 02/04/22

Normally, News Views does not feature a Live Blog on Fridays but, since we have lots going on in the ‘news world,’ welcome to the Friday Edition. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.

President Biden/Biden Administration:

The Biden Boom:


Congressional staffers announce effort to unionize on Capitol Hill

The Congressional Workers Union announced their plan a day after Pelosi said she would offer “full support” if staffers decided to unionize.



New blood test can predict how severe your COVID-19 infection will be

“This test could prove very valuable during the pandemic, especially as variants continue to spread and doctors need to be confident in identifying the problem and providing effective treatment,” said Timothy McCaffrey, professor of medicine at The George Washington University.

The American Taliban/White ISIS/MAGAts/Gunz!:


State News:

List of every state found here:

Other News:

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