Free Chat Friday, Week 8

Happy Friday News Viewers, unbelievably, February is almost gone, and ”good riddance, buh-bye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. . …

.Wars and rumors of wars. We’ve witnessed the beginning of what could be a week long conflict or a years long Viet Nam style quagmire. For today, I’m noticing that the political cartoons are almost uniformly depicting a tiny and weak Ukraine being surrounded and stomped by a big Russia (usually depicted as a Bear. . . .)

But what if the fight began to look different; what if no matter what we believed, the Ukrainians fought and won; what if sanctions work? What if someone, thinking about the human cost of war comes up with something new, a new plan to fight without destruction, and win without the need to rebuild. . . . .

Resistance is an option, and the Ukrainians, having lived with Democracy for awhile now, do not want to go backward in time. The future is not written and on this Friday, as events unfold, I’m thanking the Universe that Biden rather than Trump is the President, and I know that it ain’t over ’til it’s over. People’s will can take us a long way through this nightmare. . . .

On that happy note full of possibilities, let’s chat, because it’s Friday, and we need ideas and we need to RELAX (well, I know I do….. 🙂 Have a great day, all topics all the time within reason, and stay safe out there Peeps!