Lauren Boebert Says Ukraine, U.S., and Canada Need to be Liberated

“I pray for Ukraine, and I wish them the best,” Boebert said in a Sunday interview with Fox Nation. “…But we also have neighbors to the north who need freedom and need to be liberated, and we need that right here at home, as well.”

The interview with Fox News took place at CPAC, and racked up over a million views, along with some words from Canadian politicians.

Anthony Housefather, a liberal member of parliament in Montreal condemned Boebert from equating Canada to Ukraine’s situation.

Bruce Heyman, a former ambassador to Canada under President Obama, said her words were reckless and dangerous. “Canada is our best friend-best trading partner- closest ally and should be treated as such.”

WaPo, Insider, The Guardian

Boebert tweeted on February 15 her support for the three week trucker protests in Canada.

While there are trucker convoys still headed to Washington, D.C., one caravan out of California, Freedom Convoy, scrapped its plan in Las Vegas when only five trucks showed up.

Those organizers said there are massive turnouts from two other convoys, the People’s Convoy and the Texas Convoy.

Local affiliates announced the People’s Convoy passed through Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday, and are scheduled to arrive in Washington on Saturday March 5.