Russian Marijuana Entrepreneur Charged in Campaign Finance Plot

Friend of Rudy's Associates Lev and Igor

A Russian wanna-be marijuana tycoon who allegedly bankrolled a Rudy Giuliani scheme to distribute illegal campaign contributions has been charged with campaign finance crimes. Two South Florida Soviet-born Giuliani associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were found guilty in New York on campaign finance charges, and introduced Giuliani to Ukrainian prosecutors in an attempt to get dirt on Joe Biden.

Giuliani is still currently under federal investigation for his efforts in Ukraine.

Andrey Muraviev, believed to currently be in Russia, was actually indicted in September 2020, but the charges had been sealed until Monday. Muraviev was charged with conspiring to make an illegal foreign straw donation and making an illegal foreign donation.

Muraviev is the likely source of $1 million Parnas and Fruman received as part of a plan to obtain marijuana licenses in a number of states and use political contributions to grease the wheels on their applications.

Among the beneficiaries of Parnas and Fruman political gifts was the Ron DeSantis PAC, which received $50,000. Neither DeSantis nor his campaign are charged with any wrongdoing. When DeSantis won, Muraviev texted congratulations to Parnas and Fruman. The Trump campaign also received $350,000.

Muraviev, who had made a fortune as the CEO of a Russian cement company and through his holdings in the Russian online payment company QIWI, had already invested in several California marijuana ventures.

More at Miami Herald