Debra Meadows Appears to Have Filed Three False Voter Forms

“What we do know is a number of times as we have mail-in ballots, if there is not a chain of custody that goes from the voter to the ballot box, mischief can happen.” — Mark Meadows, July 2020

The wife of former chief of staff for TFG Mark Meadows appears to have filed three false voter forms for the 2020 election in which the Trump party has incessantly pushed voter fraud claims.

The Washington Post found that Debra Meadows appeared at a Macon County community building in Franklin, North Carolina, and filled out a one-stop voter application allowing her to vote early in the 2020 election. On the application she certified living at a rusty mobile home for at least 30 days, although she never lived there. At the top of that application is a notice clearly stating that “fraudulently or falsely completing this form” is a felony.

She also dropped off an absentee ballot request for Mark, and a signed voter registration. The voter registration asks for a residential address — “where you physically live” — and is signed “under penalty of perjury.” 

** The Mark Meadows absentee ballot request form has suddenly been removed from Scribd.

Debra also voted in a 2020 primary using an address that was no longer valid for voting.

In the event of a WaPo paywall, RawStory carried the story.