Cawthorn’s Orgies-and-Cocaine Comment Draws the Attention of the Freedom Caucus and Kevin McCarthy

Rep Madison Cawthorn made some interesting allegations, claiming that some of his colleagues invited him to orgies and used cocaine.

“I mean, being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 — you know, I look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve always looked up to through my life, always paid attention to politics, guys that, you know. Then all of the sudden you get invited to, like, ‘Oh hey, we’re going to have kind of a sexual get-together at one of our homes. You should come,’” Cawthorn said in the interview, which was reported Sunday by Business Insider. “And I’m like, ‘What? What did you just ask me to come to?’ And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy.”

“Or the fact that, you know, there’s some of the people that are leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country, and then you watch them do a key bump of cocaine right in front of you. And it’s like, this is wild,” he said.

Washington Post

Now some of his colleagues in the Freedom Caucus are interested in finding out who Cawthorn was referring to. And Kevin McCarthy had said he intended to have a talk with the young man himself.

Newsmax thought it was weird, but hey, maybe?

Pennsylvania Rep Scott Perry, chairman of the wingnut Freedom Caucus, said he planned on speaking to Cawthorn one-on-one. “I think it is important, if you’re going to say something like that, to name some names,” Perry said in a brief interview.

Another Freedom Caucus member, also addressing Cawthorn on condition of anonymity, described responses from “across the political spectrum … saying ‘what the hell?’”

Steve Womack from Arkansas said that Cawthorn’s comments didn’t describe the House “as a whole.”

Richard Burr from North Carolina called Cawthorn an embarrassment, and the Senator from that state Thom Tillis said Cawthorn showed a “lack of judgement.”

McCarthy and Steve Scalise apparently met for about an hour with Cawthorn on Wednesday.

Washington Post, Politico