Marsha Blackburn mocked for saying Tennessee needs a Southern Border wall

Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee was ripped on social media after suggesting that people from her state were demanding a wall on their southern border.

Blackburn tweeted “Tennesseans want a wall on our southern border” on Monday afternoon, prompting quick responses from many who pointed out that Tennessee is bordered to the south by fellow U.S. states Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Blackburn may have intended to refer to former President Donald Trump‘s now-canceled U.S.-Mexico border wall, a project of which she has previously spoken in favor.

However, as Tennessee is more than 1,000 miles away from the Mexican border and the wording of Blackburn’s tweet left open the possibility that she was referencing a new proposal for a domestic wall between states, many of those responding to the tweet used geography as a basis to mock the senator.
