Coffee Talk

Welcome to Thursday morning’s free chat forum, Coffee Talk. It’s time to grab your mug and get busy chatting and fixing world problems.

I made low-carb blueberry muffins this week with almond flour, Greek yogurt, Stevia sweetener and some of the sweetest Florida blueberries this side of Florida. Thank you, local grocer for keeping me in some beautiful fresh produce. Friends in Cali probably can’t understand how a long winter breaks a Midwesterner’s hopes for anything fresh and flavorful.

Today’s Topic:

This was one year ago. In March 2021, the Suez Canal was blocked by the Ever Given for six days, holding up at least another 369 ships.

The supply chain is still suffering. With zero-tolerance Covid restrictions in China, the port at Shanghai-Ningbo has more than 120 container vessels stuck on hold. Worldwide ports have similar difficulty with demand for products high, and routes for distribution squeezed by the Russian invasion in Ukraine. We might look forward to higher interest rates and inflation to help ease the demand and easing the supply issues.

What items are you missing out on, putting off, or having trouble getting your hands on?

Do you need a car or a new laptop? Are your pajamas (like mine) threadbare? Do you miss having chicken at your market? Is Pixel, Chica, or your Striped Shithead (or similar furry consumer) getting enough Fancy Feast?

What has the global supply chain done to your domestic pantry, and how are you making adjustments — if any?

It’s your free chat, so use the space to help solve world problems. Or……just let us know what’s in short supply in your corner of the world.

Enjoy your Thursday, and your free chat!